Friday, February 11, 2011


If it was not for God. I would not have the talent I needed to get this far in my Graphic Design classes. Im So GRATEFUL! Thank You God :)

Things to consider would be placement and the concept of the problem your given. To solve the problem of making a book cover the first thing to do is research...know what the book is about. Then consider what you want to do? Think of questions like would you want to include pictures? What typeface would be understandable to use in your situation? Are things going to make since whent you begin to solve your problem?

Consider how you want people to read your solution. Dont be afraid to consider your negative space as an iteresting consept to your design. Play with the dominance of the objects you deside to create and put in your design. Dont be afraid of placement. Maybe your client wants your to incorprete diaganal text and all they give you is a title to the book their created and a breif summary. How would you aproach that problem?

In some situations it may be ok with the overlaping of an image and your title. Just consider which is more important. Sometimes the object could be the main story and the text could just be a solution to pushing along why the image stands out frome everything.

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